Pets need friends: Zootoo and You, too?

By | July 16, 2008

Michael the dog I can’t remember when I took this picture… it was quite a while ago. I think this is our friend, Michael the dog. He lives near the north sea coast in Taiwan and is a ‘regular’ at a local coffeeshop popular on weekends.

With all these Social Networks around, it was inevitable that one would emerge catering to animal lovers and their pets. Of course, social networks, like Zootoo dot com, cater primarily to the animal lovers themselves and can help foster knowledge, skills and interaction between pet lovers. You can, for example, discover that you shouldn’t feed your dogs chocolate! This was something I wasn’t aware of, until I met another dog owner who was willing to share this tidbit with me! So, if you’re looking for friendly animal lovers, consider Zootoo dot com. And, of course, you can do your own bit to help with good causes for animals and pets, too! I know Zootoo does its part!