Tropical weather: a boon for travelers, except if you got hayfever!

By | February 27, 2010

Spring is here, and slowly the flowers are blooming! Relief from winter, it’s true. But not if you’re an allergy sufferer. I’m lucky, I don’t really have allergy problems or hayfever, except in Taiwan’s rather humid climate when I get the occasional skin issues, but I’m not sure they are allergies! …

But if you can’t find proper allergy relief, then living in a beautiful island like Taiwan, then it must be purely hell to suffer from hayfever! Taiwanese like to get out and about, and going to the country (I’m sure there’s a farmer somewhere inside most Taiwanese city dwellers!) is a natural part of that, whether they venture up the mountains to the highest spas, or to the farms for picking strawberries or wherever.

But fleas, mosquitos, and dustmites seem quite common here… so it’s a good idea to stock up on anti-allergy stuff BEFORE you come. When I had mild asthma a few years ago, even the smell of smoke would act as a trigger, so I bought an air cleaner machine to help. It really did make a difference! Though I wish I had the remote control with it!