Liberty Days: Our Family Tradition

By | July 3, 2009

Yes, tomorrow is July 4th, a celebration for the United States. In my family, though, we’ve adopted the tradition of “Liberty Days”.

Tomorrow is Liberty Day

It’s quite simple: if either of us (or both) want some free time from each other, we declare an infrequent Liberty Day in which we both can do whatever we want, eat whatever we want and go wherever.

So tomorrow: we’re having a liberty day though we’ve not decided on the details. It is likely to involve some shopping and eating out, which coincides nicely with payday!

Neihu Metro Line opens this week!

neihu line

My Plans include finding a nice cup of coffee, trying to stay out of the heat, and perhaps buying a scanner for my negatives taken in the mid-90’s. I’d quite like to visit ShihMenDing to check out the shopping… but we’ll see. The Neihu Metro just opened in Taipei, and the wife’s quite excited to see that. The line runs from ChungShan High School to the Nangang Exhibition Center via the new shopping area at Miramar Skywheel and my friend’s home in Donghu!

Updating my Home PC

It’s time to update my local PC from SP1 to SP3. But I started this process as I was typing this: WFT, I now have to restart my PC just to install the software that will help me update my PC! It’s like having a meeting to schedule a meeting – pointless to the people involved. It can wait till tomorrow.