This is the 34th edition of the Carnival of Making Money Online. I’m delighted to offer this limited list of top quality articles that are vetted from the original list of submissions. It’s always a pleasure to read through these submissions.

So enjoy, and thrive in summer 2009~! It seems my reputation is getting around! I screen posts rigorously for spammers, non-blogs, repetitive entrants. So out of over 220 entrants, I am presenting the top 10% of submissions to this month’s Carnival of Making REAL Money. We’ve decided to look at two very interesting discussions of popular beliefs, and are presenting these as our featured items for this month.

Feature Articles

There is a lot of speculation about the inflation/deflation situation at the moment and many are heralding the return of hyperinflation in the US and UK, but Silver Investor disagrees and makes an interesting case that Debt Doesn’t Always Mean Inflation: Remember Japan posted at Gold Investing Info, saying, “The mammoth amount of government debt about to be issued does not guarantee inflation is inevitable.”

Go to school, do well, get a good job? That’s what your parents taught you, right? Well, KCLau presents Why the worse classmates are wealthier than you? posted at KCLau’s Money Tips, saying, “Discusses if there is a correlation between academic success and financial well-being”. What’s your take on this topic? …


For more great reading in this carnival, check out the official source.