It’s been really hot this past month or so until the recent Typhoon came that whenever we went anywhere, we’d see animals sheltering from the hot sun… cows, dogs, cats, … the only stupid animal that seemed to venture out on the streets on the Penghu afternoons was the tourists. US!

If you’re going anywhere with your dog, you will certainly need to prepare adequate water, dog supplies for hot weather, keep the dog cool as possible, esp. if the dog isn’t used to such heat, never ever put your dog in a car with A/C off – the car temp. can rise dramatically, keep the dog in the shade on the hot part of the day, and avoid leaving your dog unattended in the sun. Heat stroke can set in quickly since dogs don’t really ventilate themselves by sweating.

Instead they regulate their body temperature via their mouths and their panting mechanism which allows them to cool their body effectively. However, excessive exposure to dogs that haven’t been acclimatized can increase their risk of heat stroke.

So, just as in humans, make sure your dog is looked after in the summer sun, as you would any member of your family.