Have you ever noticed how many things there are to do on the Internet? MP3s to listen to, Videos to watch, Groups to join, Chats to finish, Emails to write, it’s really busy work. And yet, it’s also quite frustrating because you sit down to write an email, and 2 hours go by, you’ve done a 100 things, but your email sits there with the words “Dear John, Thank you for your email. I’m…” and your cursor accuses you of being too easily distracted.

It’s certainly true for me, as a webmaster/blogger. I’ve got at least six discussion groups, seven or eight domains, several blogs, numerous websites, a dozen email addresses, goodness knows what. I kind of want to do a survey of my resources that I currently administer, as that would help a little, I think, to focus on things that no longer serve much of a function. I can get rid of them.

So I’m making a commitment now to focus, focus, focus on the priorities. This will be my 2007 New Year’s Resolution! Or at least the first one! The survey of my resources is to come… SOON!
Read here for further changes!