So after registering for Kinmen Marathon in January… I really need to up my game. So between yesterday and today, I have run 8.98KM + cycled the same distance (if not more).

For today’s run, I made it to a familiar place, I’m Here coffeeshop and fortunately, the boss was still there, too! So I got myself a small reward: cappuccino (hot). Picture another post. There is a convenient Youbike stand at about 6.7km … so I should be able to reach that rack of bikes soon by running, then bike back home in about 90 minutes.

I hope to be able to run there in a week or so… and I’ll do it at a time the coffee shop is NOT open so I can’t find an excuse to sit down!

On target for 10k in 2 hours

But it’s going to be a struggle to get faster. Right now the goal is distance, then frequency, then speed.

I plan to run 5K regularly, then stretch once a week to 8K. Once I’m comfortable doing 5K regularly (3x a week), I’ll start to stretch the distance a bit more. Right now I’m at 4K+ 3x a week, plus a shorter run or so. And a couple of bike runs, too.

Once I can do 5K then onto 6-7-8K runs before stretching to 10 or 11K. After I can reach 10 or 11K, I’ll be able to run from Zhuwei to Sogo in Tienmu. If I can do that once or twice, … then I’ll try to focus on speed/strength/breathing etc. I’ll start doing HIITs to improve sprint times, too despite the guffaws of some ‘critics’.